Individual Therapy in Barcelona and Online

In English, Spanish, Catalan and Greek (Cyprus)

Individual therapy in psychology can be understood as the accompaniment that the professional performs to help the patient to overcome conflicts, to improve their interpersonal relationships, to seek their mental, emotional, affective and/or emotional well-being.

The purpose of psychology is to give us a completely different idea of the things we know best. Paul Valéry

My responsibility as a psychotherapist is to help people when they are going through a hard time in life that consequently is affecting them in various aspects of their life.

Through my studies and my experience during several years, I have learned how to approach such situations in a professional way, guiding each individual to find the tools that will allow them to move forward.


different countries of origin

% multicultural couples

What is individual therapy?

Individual therapy is a process of psychological treatment that serves as a tool to better understand and explore difficult moments in life, thus improving our mental and physical wellbeing. It offers a guide to better manage emotions, moments of conflict or any other personal problems. Personal development is achieved during this process, which results in positive changes, higher self-esteem, and a better understanding of both personal and general issues.

The word ¨happy¨ would lose its meaning if it were not balanced by sadness. C.G. Jung

Individual therapy in English, Spanish, Catalan, and Greek

Main reasons for consultation in individual therapy

  • Self-development - getting to know oneself, one´s background, family values, past relationships, etc., accepting oneself, making desirable changes...
  • Anxiety and stress – not being able to manage stressful situations, feeling drowned by anxiety, anxiety crisis, relational consequences, decrease in professional performance…
  • Difficulty managing emotions – uncontrollable fears, feelings of anger and/or rage, panic attacks, sadness…
  • Mood alterations – low mood, depression, negative thoughts, constant mood swings…
  • Important life changes – moving country, separation, becoming a parent, falling out with loved ones, loss…
  • Lack of self-esteem – feeling insecure, feeling inferior, having complexes, being overly timid…
  • Appearance issues – weight problems, body dissatisfaction…
  • Need to know oneself – know what I want and what I don´t want, know how I relate to others, understand my way of being, accept myself…
  • Relational problems – family or friendship conflicts, difficulty relating to others, difficulty maintaining conversations…
  • Discomfort – in general, or with a specific experience, an experience that prohibits moving forward in life…
  • Sexual difficulties
  • Couple´s therapy
  • LGBTQI issues

I am also specialized in the work with couples and sexology. To know more, please visit the Sex Therapy and Couples Therapy sections.


What goes on during sessions?

The first sessions are normally dedicated to collecting information about the client, starting from the presenting problem, followed by family history.

This process gives way to the evolution of a stronger therapeutic relationship, which results in a more comfortable and safe environment for the client, whilst also allowing the therapeutic process to run more smoothly and with more trust.

The information gives us the essential base to then proceed to a more profound intervention.

The duration of therapy depends on the difficulty or the motive for which each client has consulted therapy.

The patient mainly marks the pace although sometimes it´s better to dedicated more time in order to have better results.

If it goes too fast there is a chance that some unresolved issues would remain. Having said that, therapy is not for life. One can go to therapy in various moments in life but therapy has a beginning and an end.

When the difficulties of that period in life are overcome and that person feels confident to continue their life path independently, the therapy comes to an end.


My approach in individual therapy

My therapeutic practice consists of an integration of different therapy styles: Systemic therapy, Narrative therapy, Constructivism, Brief therapy, and Gestalt; adapting to each individual.

In my point of view, everyone is their own individual and therefore each person has their own reality. The intention of therapy is to enter in each client´s reality because it´s the one that matters.

The protagonist of that movie is the patient therefore he/she is the driver. However, the therapist is sitting right next to them.

Together we will discover the possible paths that can lead that person to feel more stable, more satisfied, and happier.


Benefits of individual therapy

Individual therapy has a lot of benefits. The most common ones include:

  • A better understanding of oneself and one´s surrounding
  • Decrease anxiety levels
  • Manage feelings and emotions better (rage, fear, resentment, etc.)
  • Overcome fears
  • Balance state of mind
  • Improve interpersonal relationships (family, friends, colleagues, etc.)
  • Improve romantic relationship
  • Increase self-esteem
  • Achieve goals
  • Manage obsessions
  • Have a calmer and more stable life
  • Improve mental and physical wellbeing

Want to receive individual therapy in Barcelona or do a virtual consultation?

It is important that your process is led by a professional therapist. I invite you to read more about my experience as a therapist in the About me section.

You can call right now to schedule an appointment. If you are outside of Barcelona, we can do a consultation. To learn more, please visit Online Therapy.


It is never too late to do individual therapy and work for your mental well-being.

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