Legal Notice

These legal notices are applicable to any user who accesses the website In compliance with current applicable regulations, we inform you of the following:

Identification of the website owner:

In accordance with Ley 34/2002, de 11 de julio, de servicios de la sociedad de la información y de comercio electrónico (LSSI), the following identifying data of the website owner is exposed:

Website owner: Daphne Christofides NIF / NIE: Y3495202K. Collegiate n. 27439 (Col·legi de Psicòlegs de Catalunya). Registered office: Calle Ausias Marc 4, 1-1. 08010 - Barcelona. Contact email:

Intellectual property and responsibility for the contents of the website

a) Daphne Christofides is the owner or has the corresponding licenses on the exploitation rights of intellectual and industrial property of the website as well as its content that may include the website, texts, logos, brands, photographs, illustrations, designs, interfaces or any other information or content.

The user has a right to use the website that does not imply any type of assignment in favour of any of the contents or rights corresponding to the website owner.

The use of trademarks, registered trade names, distinctive signs and other protected elements, whether owned by Daphne Christofides or a third party, are reserved for the exclusive use of Daphne Christofides and the owner of the protected element. In no case may these elements be used unless express authorization is given by the owner or the owner allows the possibility of sharing content and so authorizes it through the use of technological tools for this purpose. Likewise, it is forbidden to eliminate or manipulate the elements of protection or information that identify the holders of the rights of the contents of the website. If the user becomes aware of the existence of any illegal content or that could infringe any intellectual and/or industrial property right, they must immediately notify Daphne Christofides through the contact email, so that it can take the appropriate measures. In the event that you are the owner of the violated right, you must attach the corresponding identifying and supporting documentation.

The structure and content of the website and the services are the property of Daphne Christofides or have been authorized by it and are protected by exclusive intellectual property rights, any reproduction, distribution, transformation, public communication and/or making available in full is expressly prohibited. or partial of the aforementioned contents or elements, regardless of the means used, without the prior, express and written authorization of Daphne Christofides or, where appropriate, of the owner of the rights, otherwise the offender assuming all direct responsibilities or indirect that may arise.


b) Links: Daphne Christofides does not control the content, privacy policies or practices that may be carried out by third-party websites and, therefore, is not responsible for the content to which links located on the website are directed. The presence of links on the website is for informational purposes only and in no case does it imply a suggestion, invitation or recommendation thereof.

Likewise, links to social networks and access to them will be governed by their respective privacy policies and conditions of use, which in no case will be the responsibility of the owner of this website.

The inclusion of web links to this site from third party sites that could harm Daphne Christofides or her image is prohibited.


c) Daphne Christofides will not be responsible in any case and under any circumstances for the infractions that the User may commit in relation to the rights set out in these legal notices or any other that could be violated. For these purposes, the user will assume the exclusive responsibility that could arise exonerating Daphne Christofides from any responsibility.


d) Daphne Christofides will exercise the judicial or extrajudicial actions that may correspond in the event that she considers that any of her rights have been violated.

Rules or conditions of use of the website.

a) Access to the website is free, although it is conditional on acceptance and strict compliance with these legal notices by the user.


b) The user agrees to use the website, the contents and services in accordance with the law, these legal notices, good customs and public order. In the same way, it is obliged not to use the website, its contents or services provided through it for illicit purposes or effects, being contrary to these legal notices, or harmful to the interests or rights of third parties, or that of any otherwise, it may damage, disable, make inaccessible or deteriorate the website, its contents or its services or prevent normal use of it by other users.

Likewise, the user expressly agrees not to destroy, alter, disable or, in any other way, damage the data, programs or electronic documents found on the website.


c) Taking into account the previous section, it will be the responsibility of the user to access or use the website for illegal or unauthorized purposes; This may lead to the adoption by Daphne Christofides of the appropriate measures protected by law and in the exercise of their rights and obligations.


d) The user is solely responsible for the comments made in the blog section of this website. Users may report any comment they consider inappropriate, offensive or illegal for its removal by sending a message to The blog owner will periodically monitor the comments made on the website.

Funcionality of the website

a) Daphne Christofides will ensure the proper functioning of the website as well as to apply the appropriate security measures and within its possibilities and the state of the art, in order to make it a reliable place and minimize possible errors.


b) However, Daphne Christofides does not guarantee or is responsible for the continuity of the contents of the website, the absence of errors in the contents, the absence of viruses and/or other components, the impossibility of violating the security of the place, the poor performance of the contents and/or the damages caused to himself, a third party or any person who infringes the proper use of the website.


c) Daphne Christofides reserves the right to suspend, modify, restrict or interrupt, the access or use of the website, temporarily or permanently, as well as the download of the content and use of the website services, with or without authorization previous. In no case may the user demand compensation for this reason.


d) The user who is aware of any error or malfunction of the website can notify the incident to

Data protection

All personal data provided by the user while using the website will be treated in accordance with the Privacy Policy that the user must expressly accept. Likewise, it also has a cookie policy that will allow you to manage and disable them if the user considers it so.

Applicable legislation and competent jurisdiction

Any conflict or interpretation problem derived from these legal notices or the use of the website will be governed by the provisions of Spanish law. Likewise, in the event that current regulations allow the selection of the court, they will always submit to the jurisdiction of the Courts of the city of Barcelona.

Other considerations

Daphne Christofides reserves the right to modify these legal notices, without express acceptance by the User being a prerequisite, understanding the modifications made tacitly accepted by the User in the event that he continues to access the website from the date on. of publication of the referred modifications. Otherwise, the User must cease accessing and/or using the website and the services.

Daphne Christofides informs that it may inform the corresponding authorities if it detects any violation of current legislation or if it suspects the commission of a crime.

If any clause included in these Legal Notices is declared totally or partially null or ineffective, everything else will subsist in its entirety. All the clauses must be interpreted independently and autonomously, the rest of the stipulations not being affected in the event that one of them has been declared void by a court ruling or final arbitration resolution, in this case it must be replaced by one that preserves the effects pursued by the Legal Notices.

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